Olek Gierczak

Headshot of Olek Gierczak

Olek Gierczak is a PhD Student at NEU studying PL


Hi! My name is Olek and I’m a third year PhD student studying under Amal Ahmed at the Secure Interoperability, Languages, and Compilers group, which is part of the Programming Research Laboratory at Northeastern University. Before coming to Northeastern, I worked under Steve Zdancewic and Benjamin C. Pierce at the University of Pennsylvania.

Research Interests

I’m interested in creating formal models and properties that help researchers understand, compare, and expand programming languages. In particular, I’ve been interested in the semantics of Rust-style borrowing, as well as gradually typed languages, and I’m currently exploring a gradual presentation of borrowing.


I developed a semantic property of gradually typed languages called Vigilance that determines when a language’s type system matches its semantics. In other words, the static reasoning provided by types and the dynamic type based reasoning programmers can perform based on those types correspond. In gradual typing, values that flow through a program accumulate type assertions each time they cross a “typed/untyped” boundary. Vigilance says that every value semantically satisfies every one of these type assertions.

In the past I’ve worked on Oxide, a type safe syntactic formalized semantics for surface level safe Rust which includes features like non lexical lifetimes, reborrowing, and closures. The crucial realizations are that lifetimes can be modelled by information from a form of points to analysis, and that this information can be used to give a formal model of the borrowchecker. Using this realization we were able to prove Progress and Preservation style soundness, and demonstrated our type system worked for the portion of the Rust test suite we supported.

I’m currently working on a more fundamental calculus for Rust style borrowing, with a rich program logic built from the ground up. We restrict to lexical lifetimes, but as a result get a much simpler type system and logic. We hope PL research that seeks to examine borrowing in contexts further from Rust can utilize the simpler formalism to expand and prototype easier and faster.

Alongside this borrow calculus, I’m currently working on a gradual version of the borrow calculus, where the “unknown” type is an unrestricted pointer, and casts move between borrows managed by the type system and pointers with (potentially) some dynamic enforcement. I hope to implement multiple dynamic borrow enforcement strategies and analyze them with the lens of Vigilance.


Gradually Typed Languages Should Be Vigilant!, Olek Gierczak, Lucy Menon, Christos Dimoulas, Amal Ahmed. OOPSLA 2024, March 2024. Technical Appendix

Oxide: The Essence of Rust, Aaron Weiss, Olek Gierczak, Daniel Patterson, Amal Ahmed. On arXiv, October 2021.